A Beautiful Planet

RATED:  G | RUNTIME: 45 min. | STUDIO:  IMAX   Closed Captioning

A Beautiful Planet is a breathtaking portrait of Earth from space, providing a unique perspective and increased understanding of our planet and galaxy as never seen before. Made in cooperation with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the film features stunning footage of our magnificent blue planet — and the effects humanity has had on it over time — captured by the astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS). Narrated by Jennifer Lawrence and from IMAX Entertainment and Toni Myers — the acclaimed filmmaker behind celebrated IMAX® documentaries Blue Planet, Hubble 3D, and Space Station 3D — A Beautiful Planet presents an awe-inspiring glimpse of Earth and a hopeful look into the future of humanity.

Upcoming Showtimes

Nothing from Thursday March 6 to Saturday March 8.



5 out of 5

“Aside from its heart-stopping beauty, this remarkable new IMAX in 3D film, which shows the Earth’s geological diversity from outer space, is also a profoundly moving reminder of how fragile our planet is.”

– Michael D. Reid, Victoria Times Colonist

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