Spider-Man: Far From Home

RATED:  PG-13 | RUNTIME: 131 min. | STUDIO:  SonyClosed Captioning

This film is no longer playing at this theatre.

See Spider-Man: Far From Home with an extra 4 minutes of content in IMAX and on the biggest screen in BC!

Peter Parker returns in Spider-Man™: Far From Home, the next chapter of the Spider-Man™: Homecoming series! Our friendly neighborhood Super Hero decides to join his best friends Ned, MJ, and the rest of the gang on a European vacation. However, Peter’s plan to leave super heroics behind for a few weeks are quickly scrapped when he begrudgingly agrees to help Nick Fury uncover the mystery of several elemental creature attacks, creating havoc across the continent!

Upcoming Showtimes

Nothing from March 14, 2025 to March 17, 2025.


“One of the most delightful things about Spider-Man is that he’s a happy-go-lucky kid who’s psyched to have powers and help people, and Holland portrays that vibe perfectly.”



> Official Website

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