IMAX® uses state-of-the art technology and architecture to create experiences so real you’ll forget you’re in a theatre.

IMAX’s projection system delivers a visual experience so real it will take your breath away, complimented by a surround sound system so precise you can hear a pin drop from across the room – and know exactly where it fell. Brought together by customized theatre geometry that brings you to the center of the action.

What is laser projection? Simply put, it means that when you attend a film at IMAX Victoria, you are going to have a movie-going experience like no other. An experience designed to transport the viewer to awesome worlds, where senses and emotions are engaged by the sharpest, brightest, clearest and most vivid images accompanied by a whole new level of immersive audio.

The sound system has been upgraded with 6 additional channels and a sub-bass for a total of 12 channels of sound. Speakers are now in the ceiling, as well as additional side walls for even more enveloping sound.

But what is great image and sound without great comfort? We have also upgraded our seating for a premium experience.

The attributes of Laser Projection that make your IMAX® Experience magical

Brightness: A laser light source provides substantially more brightness than a xenon bulb, and allows us to fill the Biggest Screen in BC with even sharper and more lifelike images. This is significant for 3D because traditional 3D glasses dim the image. With laser, audiences experience full brightness in 2D and 3D.

Contrast: Contrast is the difference between the whitest white and the blackest black. Filmmakers love it, but it’s been a problem with existing digital projection systems. IMAX has always delivered the greatest contrast but now with laser contrast levels will be substantially higher than ever before. More contrast means more detail in the image, and a heightened level of realism that makes you forget you are watching a movie.

Colour: IMAX with laser allows filmmakers to explore and expand their use of colour. This means a wider gamut of colours, and a more vivid, lifelike image. Audiences can now experience colours that exist in the real world but could never before be shown onscreen.

Sound: IMAX’s next-generation sound system delivers even greater power and precision. The new system has been upgraded to 12 discrete channels plus a beefy sub-bass. We’ve built on our existing system by adding new loudspeakers on the ceiling above the audience, as well as additional ones on the side. Whether you’re hearing a pin drop or feeling the heart-palpating force of a volcano or a rock concert or a thunderstorm – you’re going to have a new kind of visceral sound experience.

Our advanced laser projection technology and the Biggest Screen in BC allow for a 1.43:1 aspect ratio to completely fill your field of vision.

Upgrades to IMAX® Victoria include:

Dual 4k laser projection system with new optical engine providing unparalleled 2D & 3D brightness

12 channels of sound plus sub-bass for fully immersive audio experience

New state-of-the-art 3D glasses that optimize the laser system experience

New seating with the ability to choose your seat in advance online or in person

Silver high gain 61 foot high, 85 foot wide screen

Enlarging of the projection port window and installing the highest quality optical glass available

Capability to show a wider selection of documentary and latest Hollywood features, at the highest possible quality

IMAX® with Laser Tech Featurette

IMAX® with Laser Review

Why Experience it in Trans IMAX Blue?

The IMAX® Experience


IMAX® Behind the Scenes


IMAX is Believing

IMAX Projector Lamp Change

IMAX® Victoria Time Lapse Photography


IMAX® Trailers

IMAX Countdown

IMAX Theatre Optimization

IMAX Cliffhanger Trailer

On Now!

Experience them in IMAX®